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Updated: August 18, 2024

So she said again, 'Shibli Bagarag. And the bird answered, imitating its best, 'Shibberacavarack. Noorna was wroth with it, crying, 'Oh naughty bird! is the name of my beloved hateful to thee? And she chid Koorookh angrily, he with a heavy eye sulking, and keeping the sullen feathers close upon his poll.

She advanced up the blade, coming nearer and nearer; and he thought her close, and breathed quick and ceased looking through the glass. When he gazed abroad, lo! she was with Koorookh, on a far hill beyond the stream in outer Aklis. So he said to the Princess Gulrevaz, 'O Princess, comes she not to me here in the palace? But the Princess shook her head, and said, 'She hath not a spell!

She waiteth for thee yonder with Koorookh. Now, look through the glass once more.

So she said again, 'Shibli Bagarag. And the bird answered, imitating its best, 'Shibberacavarack. Noorna was wroth with it, crying, 'Oh naughty bird! is the name of my beloved hateful to thee? And she chid Koorookh angrily, he with a heavy eye sulking, and keeping the sullen feathers close upon his poll.

They were thus together, Abarak leaning under one wing of Koorookh for shade up the slope of the hill, and Shibli Bagarag called to him, 'Ho, Abarak! look if there be aught impending over the City. So he arose and looked, crying, 'One with plunging legs, high up in air over the City, between two bright bodies. Shibli Bagarag exclaimed, ''Tis well!

Thereat he fluttered eagerly a twinkle of time, and the next was down with his beak in the neck of the kite, crimsoned in it. Now, by the shouts and exclamations of Shibli Bagarag, the Princess and the seven youths, her brothers, knew that the bird had performed well his task, and that the fight was between Koorookh and the kite. Then he cried gladly to them, 'Joy for us, and Allah be praised!

Now, the feathers of Koorookh in his flight were ruffled by a chill breeze, and they were speeding through a light glow of cold rose-colour. Then said Noorna, ''Tis the messenger of morning, the blush. Oh, what changes will date from this day!

They were thus together, Abarak leaning under one wing of Koorookh for shade up the slope of the hill, and Shibli Bagarag called to him, 'Ho, Abarak! look if there be aught impending over the City. So he arose and looked, crying, 'One with plunging legs, high up in air over the City, between two bright bodies. Shibli Bagarag exclaimed, ''Tis well!

Then the two raised Shibli Bagarag from the rock, and reclined him lengthwise under the wings of Koorookh, and Noorna stretched herself there beside him with one arm about his neck, the fair head of the youth on her bosom. And she said to Abarak, 'He hath dreamed many dreams, my betrothed, but never one so sweet as that I give him.

Noorna was on the mountain in outer Aklis with Koorookh, waiting for the appearance of her betrothed, Sword in hand. She saw beams from the blazing eye of Aklis, and knew by the redness of it that one, a mortal, was peering on the earth and certain of created things.

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