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"Thisll do the business," he announced confidently as I relinquished the spotlight to him with understandable readiness. "It's a regular jimdandy." It certainly was. The devilgrass came irreverently above the wheels and flowed with graceful inquisitiveness over the blades, but the brisk little man pushed heartily and the mechanism revolved with a barely audible clicking.

"Did you teach it to him, Doodles?" "My! but he's a jimdandy, and no mistake!" These and a score of others were tossed about as the lights went up. "I must have a nearer view of that singer," declared Nelson Randolph. "I'm sure he can't look like an ordinary mocker; he must show the marks of genius in his feathers!" Miss Sterling laughed. "He is certainly surprising.

"They're pretty heavy, of course, but seven of us ought to be able to carry them, one at a time." "It needn't be for far either," Lil Artha assured them, "because here's a jimdandy place close by. Everybody on the job, and see what you can lift." After all it was nothing to speak of, for the two skiffs were easily handled, and nicely concealed from view.

The neatly cut swaths of the little man with the jimdandy mower came to a dramatic end in the middle of the yard. Beyond this shorn portion the grass rose in a threatening crest, taller than a man's knees; green, aloof and derisive. But it was not this forbidding sight which gave me such a queer turn.