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And Jamrkan kissed the King's feet, thanked him and wished him abiding victory and glory and every blessing Morever Gharib opened Jaland's treasuries and saw what was therein of coin, whereof he gave largesse to his captains and standard bearers and fighting-men, yea, even to the girls and children; and thus he lavished his gifts ten days long.

So Jamrkan and his comrades returned to their tribal camp and offered Al-Islam to their women and children, who all to a soul embraced the True Faith, after which they dismantled their abodes and struck their tents and set out for Cufa, driving before them their steeds, camels and sheep. During this time Gharib returned to Cufa, where the horsemen met him in state.

When they heard his speech, they spoke the word of Unity and Jamrkan led them to Gharib, at whose hands they renewed their profession of Al-Islam and wished him glory and victory, after they had kissed the earth before him.

She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Jamrkan islamised and kissed the ground between the hands of Gharib, and, as they were thus, behold, a great cloud of dust towered till it walled the wold and Gharib said to Sahim, "Go and see for us what it be."

Replied Gharib, "O dog of the Arabs, dost thou cut the road for the servants of Almighty Allah, and fearest thou not the Lord of the Worlds?" "O my master," asked Jamrkan, "and who is the Lord of the Worlds?" "O dog," answered Gharib, "and what calamity dost thou worship?"

So the folk armed themselves cap-a-pie and waited till the noon of Night, when they dispersed about the enemy's camp and tarried awhile when, lo and behold! Jamrkan smote shield with sword and shouted, "Allaho Akbar'" Thereupon they all cried out the like, till rang again valley and mountain, hills, sands and ruins.

So the True Believers fell upon the idolaters and plied upon every false hypocritical breast the keen sword and the quivering spear. They sought to take refuge in the city; but Jamrkan came forth upon them with his kinsmen, who hemmed them in between two mountain-ranges, and slew an innumerable host of them, and the rest fled into the wastes and words.

So he went forth, like a bird in full flight, and presently returned, saying, "O King of the Age, this dust is of the Banu Amir, the comrades of Jamrkan." Whereupon quoth Gharib to the new Moslem, "Ride out to thy people and offer to them Al- Islam: an they profess, they shall be saved; but, an they refuse, we will put them to the sword."

Jamrkan am I, to my foes a fear, * With a lance lunge known unto every knight: Gharib is my lord, nay my pontiff, my prince, * Where the two hosts dash very lion of might: An Imam of the Faith, pious, striking awe * On the plain where his foes like the fawn take flight; Whose voice bids folk to the faith of the Friend, * False, doubling idols and gods despite!"

But Jamrkan said, "O folk, to- morrow I will go forth into the battle-plain and place where cut and thrust obtain, and slay their champions and make prize of their families after taking them captives and I will ransom Sa'adan therewith' by the leave of the Requiting King, whom no one thing diverteth from other thing!"