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Friday, September 7, 1711. Addison. 'Illa; Quis et me, inquit, miseram, et te perdidit, Orpheu? Jamque vale: feror ingenti circumdata nocte, Invalidasque tibi tendens, heu! non tua, palmas. Virg. CONSTANTIA was a Woman of extraordinary Wit and Beauty, but very unhappy in a Father, who having arrived at great Riches by his own Industry, took delight in nothing but his Money.

Me vero primum dulces ante omnia Musae, Quarum sacra fero ingenti perculsus amore, Accipiant; coelique vias et sidera monstrent; Defectus Solis varios, Lunaeque labores: Unde tremor terris: qua vi maria alta tumescant Obicibus ruptis, rursusque in seipsa residant: Quid tantum Oceano properent se tingere soles Hiberni: vel quae tardis mora noctibus obstet. Geor. ii. 1. 591, etc.

Illa; Quis et me, inquit, miseram et te perdidit, Orpheu? Jamque vale: feror ingenti circumdata nocte, Invalidasque tibi tendens, heu! non tua, palmas. VIRG., Georg., iv. 494. Then thus the bride: "What fury seiz'd on thee, Unhappy man! to lose thyself and me?

Dicto citius nervi paruerunt imperio manusque aniculae ingenti motu repleverunt. At illa gaudio exsultans, "vides," inquit, "Chrysis mea, vides quod aliis leporem excitavi?" Never despair; Priapus I invoke To help the parts that make his altars smoke.

To conclude, as I am a compound of soul and body, I consider myself as obliged to a double scheme of duties; and think I have not fulfilled the business of the day when I do not thus employ the one in labour and exercise, as well as the other in study and contemplation. No. 116. Vocat ingenti clamore Cithaeron, Taygetique canes. Virg. Georg. iii. v. 43.

... Vocat ingenti clamore Cithoeron, Taygetique canes ... Virg. Those who have searched into human Nature observe that nothing so much shews the Nobleness of the Soul, as that its Felicity consists in Action. Every Man has such an active Principle in him, that he will find out something to employ himself upon in whatever Place or State of Life he is posted.

Then, happening to come to the seashore, he stood for a moment refreshing his nostrils with saltness, for he was desperately worn out, and what he did after that heaven knows. Anyhow young Vickerton found him hours afterwards walking up and down the shingle in the dark, waving his arms about and crying "O, qui me gelidis convallibus Haemi Sistat et ingenti ramorum protegat umbra!"

Vocat ingenti clamore Cithaeron, Taygetique canes, domitrixque Epidaurus equorum: Et vox assensu memorum ingeminata remugit. VIRG., Georg. iii. 43.