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Garrigou has an arrow-head made of a human bone, Pellegrino a fibula converted into a polisher found in the lower beds of the celebrated Castione TERREMARE near Parma.

This latter was blasted out about thirty years ago. Upon following the direction of the great crevices, we reach a small chamber, wherein are found the Oubliettes of Gargas a vertical well 65 feet feet in depth. Such is the general configuration of the grotto. In 1865 Dr. Garrigou and Mr. De Chastaignier visited the grotto, and were the first to make excavations therein.

Dom ... scum!...” says Balaguère. “... Stutuo!...” replies Garrigou; and all the time the cursed little bell is tinkling there in their ears, like the jingles they put on post-horses to make them gallop fast. You may imagine at that speed a low mass is quickly disposed of.

Then from the pond they've brought eels and golden carp and trout, and " "What size are the trout, Garrigou?" "Oh, as big as that! reverend Father. Enormous!" "Heavens, I seem to see them! Have you put the wine in the flasks?" "Yes, reverend Father, I've put the wine in the flasks. But what's a mouthful or two as you go to midnight Mass!

I who like truffles so much!... Quick, give me my surplice, Garrigou.... And have you seen anything else in the kitchen besides the turkeys?” “Yes, all kinds of good things.... Since noon, we have done nothing but pluck pheasants, hoopoes, barn-fowls, and woodcocks. Feathers were flying about all over.... Then they have brought eels, gold carp, and trout out of the pond, besides....”

There is no doubt that it is the caves of the south of France which have yielded the most interesting objects; needles with drilled eyes, and barbed arrows have been picked up in considerable numbers at Eyzies, Laugerie-Basse, at Bruniquel, Massat, and in the Madeleine Cave. Dr. Garrigou mentions some rein deer or roebuck antlers found in Ariege caves, which had been made into regular stilettos.

The flesh almost cracked as they roasted, it was so tight so " "Holy Virgin! and I, who love truffles as Hurry; give me my surplice, Garrigou. And what else besides the turkeys; what else did you see in the kitchen?" "Oh! all sorts of good things. Since noon we've done nothing but pluck pheasants, pewits, wood-hens, and heath-cocks. Feathers are scattered thick.