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The frequence with which ergot should be so administered depends on the results and the indications. Once in twelve hours for several doses is generally the best method for its use. The Exudate.

Occasionally if shock is decided to be due to a toxemia, the toxin may be diluted by the withdrawal of a small amount of blood and the transfusion of an equal amount of saline solution. This condition is not well understood, nor is its frequence known, but not a few instances of shock are due to dilatation of this organ. The shock to the heart may be a reflex one through the pneumogastric nerves.

Its greatest action develops a number of hours after it has been taken, and then the action lasts for many hours; the administration of digitalis once in twenty-four hours is perfectly satisfactory for many patients, and more satisfactory than any more frequent administration. On the other hand, some patients do better on a smaller dose once in twelve hours. This frequence is always sufficient.

The storm-center gathered slowly around the peaks; low rumble and howl of thunder increased in frequence; slowly the light shaded as smoky clouds rolled up; the air grew sultrier, and the exasperating breeze puffed a few times and then failed. An hour later the party had climbed high and was rounding the side of a great bare ridge that long had hidden the crags.

Occasionally there was a masculine rumble, with a growing accent of desperation, and the indulgent little bursts of laughter diminished in frequence and spontaneity. Isabel lifted down volume after volume of the books on farming her uncle had collected, letting one fall, rattling leaves when leaves would rattle. An hour passed.

This is typically true in fatty hearts, and may be true in arteriosclerosis, in which it often does not increase the blood pressure at all. Cardiac Stimulants. A cardiac stimulant is a drug which makes the heart beat more strongly and the frequence more nearly normal.

Long before this, he had grown hardened and accustomed to death from its very frequence; but now, as he looked round him, he almost resolved to ride on and return no more to London till the plague should have left it.

Believe me, my friendship is a commodity that has been sought with frequence and industry." "And as I say, I am grateful for it. You seem to think little enough of my gratitude, Ylga; but, credit me, I never have bestowed it on a woman before, and so you should treasure it for its rarity." "Well," she said, "my lord, there is an education before you."