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Updated: August 22, 2024

Of this well-known native species there are several worthy varieties, of which the double-flowered are especially worth notice, blooming as they do in the latter part of summer. There is a pretty variegated-leaved form of the common Bramble, known as R. fruticosus variegatus.

A fine hardy free-flowering tree, supposed to have been introduced from Asia, and of which there are several varieties, including a double-flowered, a variegated, and several lobed and cut-leaved forms. The tree needs no description, the spikes of pinky-white flowers, which are produced in great abundance, and ample foliage rendering it one of, if not the handsomest tree of our acquaintance.

It is a handsome and distinct small-growing tree, and bears exposure at high altitudes in a commendable manner. China, 1822. This is one of the most desirable of the small-growing and double-flowered Cherries. It is of neat growth, with short, stout branches that are sparsely furnished with twigs, and smooth, obovate, pointed leaves, bristly serrated on the margins.

Viscocephala. Double-flowered Rhododendrons: Bijou de Gendbrugge. Graf Von Meran. Heroine. Narcissiflora. Louis Aimée Van Houtte. Mina Van Houtte. Ophirié. Van Houttei. Ground Cistus. Alps of Austria and Bavaria, 1786. A very handsome shrub, of small growth, and widely distributed in Bavaria, Switzerland, and elsewhere.

P. INODOROUS, also from North America , differs little in size and shape of flowers from P. grandiflorus, but the flowers are without scent. The leaves, too, are quite glabrous and obscurely toothed. P. LEMOINEI BOULE D'ARGENT is a cross, raised in 1888, from P. Lemoinei and the double-flowered form of P. coronarius.

A double-flowered crab is offered under this name, of vigorous growth, bearing delicate pink, rose-like flowers that are deliciously fragrant, and borne contemporaneously with the leaves. The merits claimed for the shrub are perfect hardihood, great beauty of blossom and leaf, delicious fragrance, and adaptability to various soils.

The first point, is the question, which seeds become double-flowered and which single-flowered plants? Beyond all doubt, the determination has taken place before the ripening of the seed.

But it is not absolutely impossible that such strains might one day be discovered for one or another of these now sterile varieties. Returning to the stocks we are led to the conception that some varieties are absolutely single, while others consist of both single-flowered and double-flowered individuals. The single varieties are in respect to this character true to the original wild type.

This long-headed green dahlia originated at Haarlem some years ago, in the nursery of Messrs. Zocher & Co. It was seen to arise twice, from different varieties. Both of these were double-flowered, one a deep carmine with white tips on the rays, the other of a pale orange tint, known by the name of "Surprise." As they did not bear any florets or seeds, they were quite sterile.

There is a double-flowered species of bramble, and one which bears white berries. The cloudberry, which grows on the tops of the highest mountains, is the badge of the clan Macfarlane.

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