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Updated: August 10, 2024

"He bunks in the jail with some of his company." "I know a dozen others here who are in the same boat with me; and two more on us were hanged a month ago for shooting a Cornfed sergeant for killing two good Union men." "I'll find Ripley for you," said Life, as he left the room, intent upon adding more men to the loyal army.

"'Shore! says this pinfeather party to Texas Thompson, who, outen pity for him, takes the bridegroom over to the Red Light, to be refreshed; 'shore! while thar's no one that egreegious to go claimin' that my Abby's doo to grade as "cornfed," all the same she's one of the most fascinatin' ladies, that is, an' give her a gun, in all the len'th an' breadth of Arizona.

If you can face a bear-man or a werwolf, even though all the Hy-as Ecutocks of the mountains show fight, I’ll be cornfed if I don’t stand by ye! Barring the Wild Hunter, I don’t know as I ever ran agin a Ecutock yit; that is if he be a Ecutock. Maybe he’s a Econe? Yes, I reckon that’s what he is,” continued Pete reflectively. “Maybe he is a pine cone,” I laughed.

No, sirree, it's cornfed." "Glad to hear of it. I'll cipher out somehow to be there, Slim." Slim's glance took in the ranchhouse again. He had ridden twenty-three miles out of his way to catch a glimpse of the newly arrived mistress of the Lazy D, the report of whose good looks and adventures had traveled hand in hand through many canons even to the heart of the Tetons.

Instead of flattering him, I gave him, frankly but gently, my opinion of the cornfed school of literature, easing the sting by inferring that he without doubt had bigger things up his sleeve than his so-called prose poems. What I said struck the right chord. "Of course a fellow has to make a living first."

"And so he went plumb through the cave?" "An' all the troop they kindled pine-knots fur torches." He glanced about him at the convenient growths. "And they came out all safe in Greenbrier!" He winced. How the lost opportunity hurt him! "Yessir. In Greenbrier Cove." "Did he pay you in gold?" sneered Ackert. "Or in greenbacks? Or mebbe in Cornfed money?" "I wouldn't hev his gold."

"There they be!" exclaimed Life; and he reined in his foaming steed to take a survey of the surroundings. "That escort is having a hard time of it," added Milton. "Thunder and lightning-bugs!" suddenly exclaimed the sergeant. "There's a whole company of Cornfed cavalry after 'em."

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