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This cyclical character of mental disturbance is often a marked feature. We see it in epilepsy and in what the French have called Folie Circulaire. We see it in the dipsomaniac, in the intermittency of his craving for drink and of his periodical outbursts, and we see it in ourselves in those periods of depression which recur so often, we know not why.

A distinguished alienist and author of Scotland however has given us an admirable lecture on the subject. He says: 'I have had under my care altogether about 40 cases of typical folie circulaire. In the asylum at Morningside there were, says Dr. Clouston, in 800 patients 16 cases of this peculiar form of mental disease. Dr.

La maison du bain est fort élevée et se termine par un dôme, dans lequel a été pratiquée une ouverture circulaire qui éclaire tout l'interieur. Les étuves et les bains sont beaux et très-propres. Quand ceux qui se baignent sortent de l'eau, ils viennent s'asseoir sur de petites claies d'osier fin, ils s'essuient et peignent leur barbe.

Lawrence Hospital only one case in 992 was credited to this special class. In the institution in Philadelphia, of which Dr. Chapin is the superintendent, 10,379 patients have been treated, only three of whom were diagnosed cases of manie circulaire. Of the 900 cases of insanity in the State Hospital at Danville, Pa., less than four per cent were put in this special class.