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Already the boat was beginning to show signs of the uneasy trip ahead. Many foghorns, far and near, were barking their lugubrious warnings; the choppy waves were slashing against the vessel with a steady beat; the bobbling of the ship increased as it plunged deeper into the cross-seas. But she had no thought of the ship, the channel or the perils that surrounded her.

So as he rode Bunt sang to these great brutes, literally to put them to sleep sang an old grandmother's song, with all the quaint modulations of sixty, seventy, a hundred years ago: "With her ogling winks And bobbling blinks, Her quizzing glass, Her one eye idle, Oh, she loved a bold dragoon, With his broadsword, saddle, bridle. Whack, fol-de-rol!" I remember that song.

Then Christian addressed thus himself to his fellow- CHR. Well, come, my good Hopeful, I perceive that thou and I must walk by ourselves again. So I saw in my dream that they went on apace before, and Ignorance he came bobbling after. Then said Christian to his companion, It pities me much for this poor man, it will certainly go ill with him at last.

Our wash sends their dug-out canoe bobbling alongside their raft, and splashes over and between the logs, and the raftsmen have to bustle to keep their herd together, and we pass, and they go and dream, of well I don't know what; that's the worst of being only a visitor in a country without the language, you can only guess what the people think by their expressions.

If I see you pinching any one, you'll have to deal with me! Oh, yes, you may put out your tongue at me; I'll tell his reverence about it. Out you get; out you get, you minxes! She drove them slowly towards the door, while running and bobbling round them frantically.