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The angioma racemosum venosum is probably also due to a congenital alteration in the structure of the vessels, and is allied to tumours of blood vessels.

Innocent tumours, such as the fibroma, lipoma, angioma, and neuro-fibroma, are rare. Malignant tumours may be primary in the muscle, or may result from extension from adjacent growths for example, implication of the pectoral muscle in cancer of the breast or they may be derived from tumours situated elsewhere.

But for the local aneurysmal thrill at the point of the scar the condition would have been diagnosed as angioma, but as a bruit could be heard over the entire mass it was called an aneurysmal varix, because it was believed there was a connection between a rather large artery and a vein close to the mass. There is a curious case reported of cirsoid tumor of the ear of a boy of thirteen.

They may be soft or hard, solid or cystic, diffuse or circumscribed; they grow very slowly, and are almost always innocent, although recurrence has been occasionally observed. Cases of multiple endotheliomata of the skin have recently been described by Wise. Angioma, lymphangioma, and neuroma are described with the disease of the individual tissues.

When resection is impracticable, a subcapsular enucleation is performed, followed by the insertion of radium. #Pulsating Hæmatoma# or #Aneurysm of Bone#. A limited number of these are innocent cavernous tumours dating from a congenital angioma. The majority would appear to be the result of changes in a sarcoma, endothelioma, or myeloma.

#Cavernous Angioma.# This form of angioma consists of a series of large blood spaces which are usually derived from the dilatation of the capillaries of a subcutaneous nævus. The spaces come to communicate freely with one another by the disappearance of adjacent capillary walls.

When electrolysis is employed, it should be directed towards the afferent vessels; and if it fails to arrest the flow through these, it is useless to persist with it. In some cases ligation of the afferent vessels has been successful. #Arterial Angioma# or #Cirsoid Aneurysm#. This is composed of the enlarged branches of an arterial trunk.

While the most common situation is in the subcutaneous tissue, a cavernous angioma is sometimes met with in internal organs. It may appear at any age from early youth to middle life, and is of slow growth and may become stationary. The swelling is rounded or oval, there is no pulsation or bruit, and the tumour is but slightly compressible. The treatment consists in dissecting it out.

Towards adult life the spaces in a subcutaneous nævus may become greatly enlarged, leading to the formation of a cavernous angioma. Treatment.

The most common form of capillary angioma is the nævus or congenital telangiectasis. #Nævus.# A nævus is a collection of dilated capillaries, the afferent arterioles and the efferent venules of which often share in the dilatation. Little is known regarding the etiology of nævi beyond the fact that they are of congenital origin.