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At lunchtime, over a bowl of chili and crackers, Tom recalled another problem. "We'll need an undetectable sub to test my analyzer," he mused. "That means a repeat job of rigging all those transducers. Whew! I'd better get busy on that plastic sheathing." As soon as he had eaten, Tom phoned Arv Hanson, who arrived at the lab in a few moments.

When the plane of vibration of the polarizer coincides with that of the analyzer, a portion of the beam passes through both; but when these two planes are at right angles to each other, the beam is extinguished.

'Now, two things are clear: first, that if the light be plane-polarized that is, if all the vibrations throughout the entire ray are rectilinear and in one plane they must in all their bearings have reference to a particular direction in space, so that they will be differently affected by different positions of the analyzer. This statement merely recapitulates a fundamental point in polarization.

On the two intersecting planes the waves are to be drawn, showing the resolution of the first polarized beam into two others, and then the subsequent reduction of the two systems of vibrations to a common plane by the analyzer.

"Matter of fact," he said in an aside, "if you want a better explanation of that effect, you might look up the maintenance manual on the proton gyroscopes that Sad Cow uses. Or the manuals for the M.R. analyzer in the chem lab. Or the magnetometer we use to keep a check on Earth's magnetic field. "So far, about the same thing.

Instead of being plane polarized, the light in rock crystal is circularly polarized. Two such rays, transmitted along the axis of the crystal, and rotating in opposite directions, when brought to interference by the analyzer, are demonstrably competent to produce all the observed phenomena. Complementary Colours of Bi-refracting Spar in Circularly Polarized Light.

Truth, truth, truth, was still the war-cry of her soul; and there was an intensity in every word of her written or spoken pleadings on this subject which might well have revealed to a careful analyzer of them that they had sprung out of the depths of the profoundest experiences. Her influence as a writer was very great.

The lover of sheer beauty in words, the analyzer of literary types, the student of biography, find here ample material for their special investigations.

"Yes," Tom replied, "and also give them personal spy gear to probe the waters around them and spot an 'undetectable' enemy." Bud whistled. "Do that, and I'll say you're really a magician, skipper!" Tom himself transferred the analyzer from the Sea Hound to Bud's jetmarine.

'It is well known that if a plate of selenite sufficiently thin be placed between two Nicol's prisms, or, more technically speaking, between a polarizer and analyzer, colour will be produced. And the question proposed is, What is the nature of that colour? is it simply a pure colour of the spectrum, or is it a compound, and if so, what are its component parts?