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But what said the historians of Africa, long before the question of the abolition was started? "Axim," says Bosman, "is cultivated, and abounds with numerous large and beautiful villages: its inhabitants are industriously employed in trade, fishing, or agriculture." "The inhabitants of Adom always expose large quantities of corn to sale, besides what they want for their own use."

In practice the department has done nothing, its efforts being hampered by revolutions and circumscribed by the limited sums at its disposal. Its activities have been confined to a general supervision of agriculture, the preparatory work of the establishment of an agricultural experiment station and the operation of a small meteorological service.

Great encouragement is likewise held out to them to purchase national property, which I am informed they do to an extent that may for some time be injurious to agriculture; for in their eagerness to acquire land, the deprive themselves of cultivating it.

Each civilization has had a background of simple use economy food gathering, animal husbandry, agriculture in which most of the people produced what they needed and consumed what they produced. Such an economy employs money rarely. In a money economy those who have cash use it to pay their bills or settle their accounts. Those who buy on credit pay interest to money lenders.

This parity may exist though the two cases be apparently very remote from one another; the only resemblance existing between them may be a resemblance of relations, an analogy in Ferguson’s and Archbishop Whately’s sense: as in the preceding instance, in which an illustration from agriculture was applied to mental cultivation.

Caird, and I do not intend entering into the technical details of agriculture "Quid de utilitate loquar stercorandi?" but I would say something of that sweetness which a close communion with earth and heaven must shed upon the silence of lonely labour in the fields. God is ever with the cultivator in all the manifold sights and sounds of this marvellous world of His.

"I have always supposed that the teachers in the agricultural college knew little or nothing of practical farming." "I did not go to college to learn practical farming, if we mean by that the common practice of agriculture," replied Percy.

Agriculture is prepared to demonstrate that it can make a peacetime contribution as great as its contribution toward the winning of the war.

In the Observations on the corn laws, I endeavoured to shew that, according to the general principles of supply and demand, a considerable fall in the price of corn could not take place, without throwing much poor lad out of cultivation, and effectually preventing, for a considerable time, all further improvements in agriculture, which have for their object an increase of produce.

Now the threshing-machine arrives, and the ricks are threshed in a few days. But instead of working for so many months, this rush lasts as many days. Much the same thing happens all throughout arable agriculture from the hoeing to the threshing a troop are wanted one day, scarcely anybody the next.