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Flora jauntily wagged a hand, then suddenly rose and pointed with a big bread knife: "Go, dress! We'll save the kitten if only for Charlie! Go! she must leave town at once. Go! But, ah, grannie dear," she turned to a window "for Anna, spite of all we can do, I am af-raid Ship Island! Poor Anna!"

Keep running in my head ah, around, around within my head, my liebschen." "Somehow, I am af-raid that you do not, really, like the place where you are playing." "It is a fine, a splendid park, my Anna," Kreutzer cried in haste. "I am a grumbler an old grumbler. I am puzzled, Anna, that is all. Quite all. There is no cause for you to worry."

And ad the end she's compel' to tell Mélanie yes, De l'Isle he's pay her those same kind of sentimental plaisanteries; rosebud' to pin on the heart outside, a few minute', till the negs cavalier. Castanado, she say, Beloiseau, they do the same even more. 'Ah! Mélanie say, 'but only to you! and only biccause to say any mo' they are yet af-raid!

Aline said in gentlest accusation to the younger aunt: "You are trembling. Why is that?" The younger sister looked appealingly to the elder. "Chère," Mlle. Corinne said to the girl, "we are anxiouz to confezz you something. We woul'n' never be anxiouz to confezz that, only we're af-raid already you've foun' us out!" "Yes. I came this evening by Ovide's shop to return a book "

"Maybe hearing it," he half-heartedly said, "may correct your aunts' judgment." The aunt shook her head in a babe's despair. "No, we've tri' that." Her smile was tearful. "Ah, chérie, you both muz' pardon. Laz' night we was both so af-raid about that, an' of a so affegtionate curio-zitie, that we was compel' to read that manuscrip' through!

All we want and we coul'n' make ourselv' the courage to ask you that, only we've save' you so large egspenses not asking you that already sinze twenty-thirty year' aggo we want you to put us in orphan asylum. We was af-raid at firz' he's goin' to be mad; but he smile very kine and say: 'Yes, yes; you want, like the good Lord say, to biccome like li'l' children, eh?

I can't explain now, but please lemme go with you." "Why, son, I jest can't. Lawd knows I would if I could." "Yes, you can, father, I won't be in the way. And I won't be af-raid. You don't think I would eveh be a-scared of a nigger, do you? But if the niggers should kill you, and me not there, I wouldn't ever be any account no more! I haven't ever been any yet, but I will be, father, if you'll "

And he took with him some photo' showing that mother and chile with the mother's hair comb' to egspose that pompon gris; and also he took copy from those record' of babtism of the babtism of that li'l' Fortune, émigré. "Same time, here at home, our Fortune she was so sick with something the doctor he coul'n' make out the nature, and she coul'n' eat till they're af-raid she'll die.