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See Gratian, Dist., v, c. 4 Friedberg, i, p. 8, e.g., ... ita ut morte lex sacra feriat, si quis vir ad menstruam mulierem accedat. Gratian, Dist., 31, c. 11 Friedberg, i, p. 114. Gratian, Causa, 27, Quaest. 2, c. 18-22, and 24-26 Friedberg i, pp. 1067-1070. Gratian, Dist., 34, c. 4 Friedberg, i, p. 126. Id., Causa, 29, Quaest. 1 Friedberg, i, p. 1092. Id., Causa, 29, Quaest. 2, c. 2.

For the custom is such, that no stranger shall come before him, but if he give him some manner thing, after the old law that saith, NEMO ACCEDAT IN CONSPECTU MEO VACUUS. And then the emperor saith to the religious men, that they withdraw them again, that they be neither hurt nor harmed of the great multitude of horses that come behind him.

Comprehend the difference, then, that Baptism is quite another thing than all other water; not on account of the natural quality, but because something more noble is here added; for God Himself stakes His honor His power and might on it. Augustine also taught: Accedat verbum ad elementum et fit sacramentum.

The ceremonies are not indifferent, because, notwithstanding that they are prescribed and commended unto us as things in themselves indifferent, yet we are by the will and authority of men compelled and necessitated to use them. Si vero ad res suo natura medius accedat coactio, &c., then, say the Magdeburgians.

And as we have said of Baptism that it is not simple water, so here also we say the Sacrament is bread and wine, but not mere bread and wine, such as are ordinarily served at the table, but bread and wine comprehended in, and connected with, the Word of God. For it is said: Accedat verbum ad elementum, et At sacramentum. If the Word be joined to the element it becomes a Sacrament.

"Accedat verbum ad elementum," said St. Ambrose, "et fiat sacramentum." So the elementary passions, pity and love, wrath and terror, are not in themselves poetical; they must be wrought upon by the word to become poetry. In no other way can suffering be transformed to pathos, or horror reach its apotheosis in tragedy.