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"Oh! let me see; yes yes the heir to an earldom. That's liberal enough is it not?" "That 's as muckle as say I wad come to be a yerl some day, sae be I didna dee upo' the ro'd?" "Yes that's what it means." "An' a yerl's neist door till a markis isna he?" "Yes he's in the next lower rank." "Lower? Ay! No that muckle, maybe?"

Jock, ye'll take warning it's a debt we maun a' pay, and there stands Nichil Novit that will tell ye I was never gude at paying debts in my life. Mr. Novit, ye'll no forget to draw the annual rent that's due on the yerl's band if I pay debt to other folk, I think they suld pay it to me that equals aquals.

See what you have brought yourself to! What would the Yerl your father say? 'I trow that I have been striving to do my devoir to my liege's sisters, answered George. 'How does my father? and my mother? Make your obeisance to the Duke of the Tirol, Rab. Ye can knap the French with him better than I. Now I can go with him as becomes a yerl's son, for the freedom of the lady!

She gangs whiles to the doctor's but he's a kin' o' a freen' o' the yerl's,'cause he likes stinks but that's the yoong doctor." "Does her brother never go out to dinner anywhere, and take her with him?" "Naebody cares a bodle aboot his lordship i' the haill country-side, sae far as I can learn.

"Weel, the short and the lang o' 't that nicht was, that they gaed a' to their beds. Never a horse or horse was i' the stable, but the yerl's ain beasts no ae hair left ahin' to shaw that they had been there! an' i' the chaumers allotted to their riders, never a pair o' sheets had been sleepit in.

Jock, ye'll take warning it's a debt we maun a' pay, and there stands Nichil Novit that will tell ye I was never gude at paying debts in my life. Mr. Novit, ye'll no forget to draw the annual rent that's due on the yerl's band if I pay debt to other folk, I think they suld pay it to me that equals aquals.