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I look at all my "woollies," and wonder if I had better save some for 1916. What new horrors will have been invented by that time? I hear the Germans are throwing vitriol now! In their results I hate hand grenades more than anything. The poor burnt faces which have been wounded by them are hardly human sometimes, and in their bandages they have a suggestion of something tragically grotesque.

Major R. hastened out and told us that his own men who had been in the trenches for four days were just coming out for a rest, and he wished we could spare some of our woollies for them. We of course gladly assented, so he lined them up in the street littered with débris in front of the Headquarters.

Two herders had combined their bands to work them down to the low country and the camp tender stayed to help them with the crossing. Breed listened long to the droning undertone, the maddening blat of five thousand woollies on the bed ground, its querulous volume persisting through the sound of water and wind and drifting to him across a distance of five miles.

So the party reached the Manor without disruption by the way. Constance, with a soft green sweater over her frock, came to meet them. "All ready for the fray? Leave your hats in the hall. You will need your woollies for we are going where sunlight never comes. There's good store of candles and two lanterns. Anything else needed, Win?" "A hammer perhaps," suggested Win.

Finally we saw a long black line running at right angles, and the guide in front motioned me to stop while he went on ahead. I had time to look round and examine the place as well as I could and also to put down my bundle of woollies that had become extremely heavy. I was touched on the shoulder at this point, and clambered down into the trench along a very slippery plank.