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To the day of his death Paul will keep a vivid picture of the pure white-columned house. No semi-Oriental architecture met his view, but a beautiful marble structure in the graceful Ionic style, seeming a suitable habitation for his Queen. It was approached by groves of ilex, from a wall at the edge of the sea. And now Paul could discern the landing-stage, and the great studded door.

Anne felt like a bird in a nest as she sat on the roomy, white-columned porch overlooking the garden, catching glimpses through a leafy screen of the broad Potomac and the wooded hills of Virginia. "Ah! when the leaves fall it is beautiful, beautiful," said her cousin; but Anne was sure that it could never be more beautiful than now, in the green-gold glory of a late summer afternoon.

He climbed down from the seat, however, in response to her urgings, when the team halted before Caleb Hunter's white-columned house he turned and started stubbornly back the way they had come. She ran after him and clung to his arm. "You promised that you would come back to me," she cried up at him. "Oh, you cannot leave me now!" That halted him, momentarily.

The owner of the white-columned house gave the question its meed of reflection. "Well, I I'd say quite a few hundred, at least." The odd little figure bobbed his head. "Thet's what Old Tom always sed," he muttered, more to himself than to his hearer. "An' an' I guess I ain't never rightly believed him till naow." And then: "Is is New Yor-rk any bigger?" he asked.

"It was a sort of Eastern type to which was grafted an Italian architecture a house of white-columned courts, of big paved yards, fountains and cool, dark rooms. "When I passed through the gates I realized for the first time something of Kara's importance. There were a score of servants, all Eastern, perfectly trained, silent and obsequious. He led us to his own room.