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We've had the tapes in and out for study all that time, and the new detector against snooping was not put in service until two weeks ago. This case came up on the first checking round, didn't it?" he asked Waldour. "First check," the security man agreed. "Camdon left the base six days ago. But he has been in and out on his liaison duties from the first."

Ashe was not satisfied and he would have spoken again, but Kelgarries interrupted: "If it comes to that, none of us here has any right to make final decisions. Waldour has already sent in his report about the snoop. We'll have to await orders from the council." Ruthven levered himself out of his chair, his solid bulk stretching his uniform coveralls. "That is correct, Colonel.

Ashe glanced around at his three companions Kelgarries, colonel in command of one sector of Project Star, Florian Waldour, the security head on the station, Dr. James Ruthven.... "Camdon!" he said, hardly able to believe this answer to which logic had led him. Waldour nodded. For the first time since he had known and worked with Kelgarries Ashe saw him display open astonishment. "Camdon?

In the meantime I would suggest we all check to see what can be done to speed up each one's portion of labor." Without another word, he tramped to the door. Waldour eyed the other two with mounting impatience. It was plain he had work to do and wanted them to leave. But Ashe was reluctant.

Ruthven's comment reached Ashe through his stream of memories. "I thought you required at least three more months to conclude personnel training," Waldour observed. Ruthven lifted a fat hand, running the nail of a broad thumb back and forth across his lower lip in a habitual gesture Ashe had learned to mistrust.

Camdon was returning from a mission to the Star Laboratory when his plane lost contact with Ragnor Field. Reports of a storm in that vicinity immediately raised concern " Waldour snapped off the voice. "True or a cover for his escape?" Kelgarries wondered aloud. "Could be either. They may have deliberately written him off when they had all they wanted," Waldour acknowledged.

"That's one thing we don't know." Waldour's reply came slowly as if he hated the admission. "We'll be safer, then, if we presume the very earliest period." Ruthven's statement was as ruthless in its implications as the shock they had had when Waldour announced the disaster. "Eighteen months ago?" Ashe protested. But Ruthven was nodding. "Camdon was in on this from the very first.