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He was not over thirty years old; a tall, well-built fellow, with very black eyes and black hair. His features were good, but just now his mouth was set, and he looked darkly defiant. Of this, however, Mrs. Wadleigh did not think, for she was in a hot rage. "What under the sun do you mean, lockin' me out o' my own house?" she cried, stretching out her reddened hands to the fire.

Jest after that first sprinklin' o' snow, that looked as if 'twould lay all winter. Well, we took the key, an' hung it up inside the clock an' there 'tis now! an' once a week, reg'lar as the day come round, Cyrus went over, an' opened the winders, an' aired out the house." Mrs. Wadleigh sat putting her thimble off and on. "I know all about that," she interposed, "but who's in there now?

In his junior year it had been offered to him, but he had declined it, feeling that Wadleigh, both by training and judgement, was better fitted to lead the eleven on the gridiron. But now, having reached his senior year, Dick was by far the best leader possible. Coach and football squad alike conceded it, and the Alumni Association's Athletics Committee had approved.

As the minutes slipped by the ball went nearer and nearer to Gridley's goal line. Another touchdown must soon result. Twice Pike tried to throw the ball around the left end. Wadleigh, Hudson, Darrin and Prescott, backed by quarter and left half, presented such a stubborn block that the ball did not get another yard clown the field in two plays.

If he went to pieces that would leave Gridley weak at what had usually been its strongest point, especially in attack. And Gridley had the ball again. But what ailed Captain Wadleigh, the boosters wondered? For he was now sending the ball to the right wing, as if admitting that Prescott must not be worked too hard. "Use Prescott!" shouted one man hoarsely. "Prescott! Prescott!" "Yah!