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It vas Vistlin' Dick as you give such a 'leveller' to, a rare pretty knock-down I vill say, sir, never saw a cleaner Oh! they're a bad lot, they are, 'specially Vistlin' Dick, an' it's lucky for you as I 'appened to come this vay." "Why, do you mean to say," said Barnabas, staring at the mild-faced man, "do you want me to believe that it was the sight of you that sent them running?"

"Vell, there veren't nobody else to, as I could see, sir," said the man, with a gentle smile and shake of the head. "Volks ain't partial to me in these yere parts, and as to them three, they're a bad lot, they are, but Vistlin' Dick's the vorst mark my vords, 'e'll come to be topped yet." "What do you mean by 'topped'?"

"Escaped, Lord no, sir, they've only run avay, I can allus put my 'ooks on 'em, I spotted 'em, d'ye see. And I know 'em, Lord love you! like a feyther! They vas Bunty Fagan, Dancin' James, and Vistlin' Dick, two buzmen an' a prig." "What do you mean?" inquired Barnabas, beginning to eye the man askance for all his obtrusive mildness. "I means two pickpockets and a thief, sir.

'A vistlin' shop, Sir, interposed Mr. Weller. 'What is that, Sam? A bird-fancier's? inquired Mr. Pickwick. 'Bless your heart, no, Sir, replied Job; 'a whistling-shop, Sir, is where they sell spirits. Mr.

"V'y, I means scragged, sir," answered the man, his roving eye glancing continually up and down the alley, "I means 'anged, sir, Lord love you, it's in 'is face never see a more promising mug, consequent, I 've got Vistlin' Dick down in my little book 'ere, along vith a lot of other promising vuns." "But why in your book?"