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The three blockading powers believed themselves entitled to preferential treatment in the settlement of their claims, over the non-blockading nations, while the latter held that all of Venezuela's creditors should be treated on an equality.

Venezuela's First Attempt to Obtain Self-Government Simon Bolivar was born in the city of Caracas on the twenty-fourth day of July, 1783; his father was don Juan Vicente Bolivar, and his mother, dona Maria de la Concepcion Palacios y Blanco. His father died when Simon was still very young, and his mother took excellent care of his education.

The powers then proposed to establish a "warlike blockade," but "without any declaration of war." This device was resorted to at the suggestion of the German government, in order to avoid a formal declaration of war, which could not be made without the consent of the Bundesrath. Meanwhile, Venezuela's gunboats had been seized and her ports blockaded, acts which Mr.

It was necessary to take it to distract attention from the thing I did do break a lock inside the safe to get a sealed packet that contained Venezuela's answer to our plan. I sealed that packet again, and there was never a suspicion that it had been opened." "Only a suspicion," Mr. Grimm corrected. "Then came the abduction of Monsieur Boisségur, the French ambassador.

Morales was still left as Venezuela's curse. Ribas, after a defeat, was traveling with two officers. He was sick and sad. He lay down to rest under a tree while his servant went to a near-by town to obtain some provisions. The servant betrayed his master, and Ribas was imprisoned. In the town he was humiliated and insulted. Then he was killed.

Andy uttered these words as he stood at the rail of a small but staunch steam yacht, of rather ancient vintage, that he and Frank had leased when arriving at Maracaibo, the city on the bay of the same name, from whence so much of Venezuela's coffee is shipped to the States.

"To have the affair settled peacefully and with due regard to England's honor." Thus Roosevelt. England desired no war with us this time, any more than at the other time. The Commission went to work, and, after investigating the facts, decided in our favor. Our list of boundary episodes finished, I must touch upon the affair with the Kaiser regarding Venezuela's debts.