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And below, in utter silence, Leo turned round and round, and each time he turned his up-cast eyes met mine with a look that was horrible to see. The silence was the worst of it, the silence and the helplessness. If he had cried out, if he had struggled, it would have been better. But to know that he was alive there, with every nerve and perception at its utmost stretch. Oh! my God! Oh! my God!

"Lady," said he, standing with folded arms, his bared blade gripped in his good right hand and showing at a short up-cast angle, "it ill beseems a gentleman to give pain to one so fair, but prithee have a care, for, by heavens! resistance is useless here."

But Benham was always a Cheetah. That had come to her as a revelation from heaven. But so clearly he was a Cheetah. He was a Hunting Leopard; the only beast that has an up-cast face and dreams and looks at you with absent-minded eyes like a man. She laced their journeys with a fantastic monologue telling in the third person what the Leopard and the Cheetah were thinking and seeing and doing.

The traps or doors, such as the one at which Mark was stationed, are used to stop it from going through some passages and make it move along others until the bad air is blown out of them. To create a powerful current, a large furnace is placed at the bottom of one of the shafts, which is called the up-cast shaft, and the foul air is cast up it.

Winton made a mental note of this up-cast of public opinion, and set it over against the friendly attitude of the official Mr. Biggin. It was very evident that the town-marshal was serving the Rajah's purpose only because he had to. "I suppose you stand with your townsmen on that, don't you?" he ventured. "Now you're shouting: that's me."

To help this, a large furnace is placed at the bottom of the second shaft, called the up-cast shaft, because the foul air is cast up it. There are several ways of working mines. This one was worked in squares, or on the panel system.