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Updated: August 5, 2024

He stooped a little, and two narrow lines were visible on either side of a mouth, cold and uneffusive; but these lines, by their trembling or contraction, showed the play of inward emotion which the rest of the face concealed. In after days people used to watch them in order to guess his state of mind.

But you will not miss also the atmosphere of sincere if uneffusive British courtesy. At your right, as you mount the stairway, is a large statue of Faraday; on the wall right ahead is a bronze medallion of Tyndall, placed beneath a large portrait of Davy. At the turn of the stairs is a marble bust of Wollaston.

'You seem a little overdone to-night, my dear, said her mother frigidly; she was naturally hurt at the very uneffusive way in which her good offices had been met. 'I have such a dreadful headache, pleaded Ella. 'I I think I overtired myself this afternoon. 'Then you were very foolish, after travelling all yesterday, as you did. I don't wonder that George was ashamed to come in.

Paul would not hear of Wilhelm making any alteration in his dress, but drew him as he was into the smoking room on the ground floor, where Malvine came to meet him, and received him in her hearty but quiet and uneffusive manner. She was the picture of health, but had grown perhaps a little too stout for her age.

"Of course, you wasn't a-goin' on from no house o' mine 'thout no breakfast. Why, I say!" Johnnie's throat swelled at the humble kindness. They ate, thanked Roxy and her man Zack in the simple uneffusive mountain fashion, and started away in the twilight of dawn.

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