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Updated: November 11, 2024
The Adventitious Colours produc'd upon Metalls, or rather with them, by Saline Liquors, are many of them so well known to Chymists, that I would not here mention them, but that besides a not un-needed Testimony, I can add something of my own, to what I shall repeat about them, and divers Experiments which are familiar to Chymists, are as yet unknown to the greatest part of Ingenious Men.
Dear Tommy, You are welcome to all we are leaving, when we stop we shall stop, and stop you in a manner you won't appreciate. It was neatly printed in English block capitals and caused much amusement. The whole day was in a way one great joke the un-needed barrage, the empty trenches, these farewell notices, all combined to make us very happy.
At length the train came into London over the housetops; and down below lay the gritty streets with their yet un-needed lamps a-glow, on a hot, light, summer night.
In that spacious, cool room where I had first reposed in the house, I was lying on the sofa smoking a cigarette. Dolores, seating herself near me with her guitar, said, "Now let me play and sing you to sleep with something very soft." But the more she played and sang the further was I from un-needed slumber. "What, not sleeping yet, Richard!" she would say, with a little laugh after each song.
If you like, I'll go to bed now." Without speaking, she lighted him up-stairs nay, led him, for, to his bitter shame, the guidance was not un-needed. When she left him, he had the grace to whisper "Child, you are not vexed about anything I said?" She looked sorrowfully into his hot fevered face, and stroked his arm. "No no not vexed at all! You could not help it, poor father!"
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