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Standing about the room was the little knot of men who formed the chief part of the Egdon coterie, there being present Fairway himself, Grandfer Cantle, Humphrey, Christian, and one or two turf-cutters.

I have seen several common snakes, but this is thicker in proportion and of a darker color than they are. Mr. A. True. Vipers frequent those turfy boggy grounds, and I have known several turf-cutters bitten by them. W. They are very venomous, are they not? Mr. A. Enough so to make their wounds painful and dangerous, though they seldom prove fatal.

I have seen several common snakes, but this is thicker in proportion, and of a darker color than they are. Mr. A. True. Vipers frequent those turfy, boggy grounds pretty much, and I have known several turf-cutters bitten by them. W. They are very venomous, are they not? Mr. A. Enough so to make their wounds painful and dangerous, though they seldom prove fatal.

Standing about the room was the little knot of men who formed the chief part of the Egdon coterie, there being present Fairway himself, Grandfer Cantle, Humphrey, Christian, and one or two turf-cutters.

Humphrey and Sam, the furze-and turf-cutters, were there looking on, so also was Timothy Fairway, who leant against the wall and prompted the boys from memory, interspersing among the set words remarks and anecdotes of the superior days when he and others were the Egdon mummers-elect that these lads were now. "Well, ye be as well up to it as ever ye will be," he said.

For making a ditch about the house where the said hay was put, 1s. 8d. For putting and piling up one rick of hay in the house, 1s. 8d. Wages of two turf-cutters, seven days, at 5d. per day, 5s. 10d. For the carriage of turves to cover the king's kitchen, 7s. 6d. For twenty-two empty casks, bought to make paling for the queen's court yard, 18s. 4d.

Protestantism was not only the privileged, but it was also the polite, creed; the creed of the upper classes, as distinguished from the creed of the potato-diggers and the turf-cutters; a view of the matter of which distinct traces may even yet be discovered in Ireland.

It is in the autumn that the moles heap up meanders of miniature barrows, built of the softest brown loam; and in the turbaries the turf-cutters pile larger and darker stacks of peat.

The hounds, uttering their ecstasy in that gorgeous chorus of harmonious discordance called Full Cry, sped across the bog like a flock of seagulls; but for the riders, a narrow track between deep ditches left by the turf-cutters for their carts, was the sole hope, and a string of horses, galloping in single file, was soon following hard on the heels of the Master.