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It may occur as an independent affection, or may be associated with disease in an adjacent bone or joint. It is met with chiefly in the prepatellar and subdeltoid bursæ, or in one of the bursæ over the great trochanter.

Cristobal Colon, and in the said box human remains which on examination by the licentiate of equal class Jose de Jesus Brenes are found to be: A femur deteriorated in the upper part of the neck, between the great trochanter and its head. A fibula in its natural state. A radius also complete. The os sacrum in bad condition. The coccyx. Two lumbar vertabrae. One cervical and two dorsal vertabrae.

The Coryphodon appears to have been allied to the Miocene and later Tapirs, while Pliolophus, in its skull and dentition, curiously partakes of both artiodactyle and perissodactyle characters; the third trochanter upon its femur, and its three-toed hind foot, however, appear definitely to fix its position in the latter division.

There are two bursæ over the great trochanter, one superficial to, the other beneath the aponeurosis of the gluteus maximus; the latter is not infrequently infected by tuberculous disease that has spread from the trochanter.

The internal trochanter was also fractured in four small pieces. In this case it is fair to suppose that the mule in trying to regain footing on a slippery floor violently abducted the legs and fracture resulted. It is possible also that a temporary luxation of the patella took place first and caused the animal to struggle in such manner that fracture followed.

A characteristic gait marks inflammation of the trochanteric bursa, and as Gunther has put it, the subject generally moves or trots as does the dog the sound member being carried in advance of the affected one and the forward stride of the diseased leg is shortened. In some chronic cases crepitation is discernible by holding the hand on the trochanter while the subject walks. Treatment.

In the first stages of an acute affection absolute quiet must be enforced; local antiphlogistic applications are beneficial. Later, vesication of a liberal area surrounding the trochanter major is indicated. Where the condition has become chronic in horses that are to be kept at heavy draft work there is little chance for complete recovery.