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Our transference to the field provoked the most spirited bout we had ever witnessed between the Commandant and Dr. Ascher. The doctor could do nothing towards securing us shelters: that was exclusively a matter for Major Bach to decide. But he had control over the sanitary arrangements, and he condemned these unequivocally.

These experiences do seem to me to be good examples of what is called 'thought transference; indeed, I never before could get out of a level balance of doubt on that subject, a balance which now leans considerably to the affirmative side.

As to Andrew Black, the only change that took place in his condition during his long captivity was his transference unknown to his kindred from the gloomy prison of the Bass Rock to the still gloomier cells of Dunnottar Castle.

He imagined a fiction dealing with the situation as something already accomplished. "Why don't some fellow do the Battle of Dorking act with that thing?" said Fulkerson. "It would be a card." "Exactly what I was thinking, Mr. Fulkerson," said Kendricks. Fulkerson laughed. "Telepathy clear case of mind transference. Better see March, here, about it.

It means, first, complete identification of the object, and then the power of making it clear to others by a full and just interpretation. To understand is more difficult than to judge, for understanding is the transference of the mind into the conditions of the object, whereas judgment is simply the enunciation of the individual opinion. August 25, 1871. Magnificent weather.

"The herd goes in that direction because the animal in front leads it and the collective will of all the other animals is vested in that leader." This is what historians of the first class say those who assume the unconditional transference of the people's will.

He even waited for her reply, compelling it by some subtle transference of the knowledge that he would not endeavor to browbeat or misunderstand her. "I have heard your name, but may I ask why you are here?" she said composedly. It pleased him to find that he had not erred by underrating her intelligence. "A very proper question, Lady Hermione," he said.

The reverses of McClellan in the peninsula, followed by the withdrawal of his army from thence and its transference to northern Virginia, the defeats suffered by Pope, and the first invasion of Maryland, occurred either immediately before or during the time that Farragut was in Pensacola.

It is, in brief, the transference of a dispute in a particular case from the capitals of the disputants to the place where the delegates of the nations assemble to deliberate together on matters which affect their common interests.

McClellan preferred a transference of the army to the region of the lower Chesapeake, thence moving up the Peninsula by the shortest land route to Richmond.