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Your loving Nephew, P.S. The Fredericks were in the bag, all told. LETTER: From Mrs. Gamp to Mrs. Prig. Mrs. Gamp nurses an old friend who is under a singular delusion. Todgers's. My precious Betsy, Which when last we parted it was not as I could wish, but bearing malice in our hearts. But, as often and often Mrs.

Gamp; there is one blinding patch of brilliancy, the satire on American cant; there is Todgers's boarding-house; there is Bailey; there is Mr. Mould, the incomparable undertaker. But yet in spite of everything, in spite even of the undertaker, the book is sad.

This false position, combined with his nervous excitement, brought about the very consummation and catastrophe of his miseries; for when in the moment of parting he aimed a flower, a hothouse flower that had cost money, at the fair hand of Mercy, it reached, instead, the coachman on the box, who thanked him kindly, and stuck it in his buttonhole. They were off now; and Todgers's was alone again.

Paul Sweedlepipe, the meek, was so perfectly confounded by his precocious self-possession, and his patronizing manner, as well as by his boots, cockade, and livery, that a mist swam before his eyes, and he saw not the Bailey of acknowledged juvenility from Todgers's Commercial Boarding House, who had made his acquaintance within a twelvemonth, by purchasing, at sundry times, small birds at twopence each but a highly-condensed embodiment of all the sporting grooms in London; an abstract of all the stable-knowledge of the time; a something at a high-pressure that must have had existence many years, and was fraught with terrible experiences.

'The hold name, I suppose? said Bailey, with a grin. Mr Jonas stared at him in mute indignation. 'What, don't you remember hold mother Todgers's? said Mr Bailey, with his favourite action of the knees and boots. 'Don't you remember my taking your name up to the young ladies, when you came a-courting there? A reg'lar scaly old shop, warn't it? Times is changed ain't they.

Cautious emigrants from Scotland or the North of England had been known to reach it safely, by impressing a charity-boy, town-bred, and bringing him along with them; or by clinging tenaciously to the postman; but these were rare exceptions, and only went to prove the rule that Todgers's was in a labyrinth, whereof the mystery was known but to a chosen few.

'N no! said Cherry, tracing out one particular paving-stone in Monument Yard with the end of her parasol. 'I but really it's quite impossible to explain. Won't you walk in? 'You live here, then? said Tom 'Yes, returned Miss Pecksniff, pointing with her parasol to Todgers's; 'I reside with this lady, AT PRESENT.