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When the door had closed behind the queer little man the child sat down in the window again and glanced at the book. It had a red and yellow cover and the word "Thingamajigs" was across the front in big letters. Then she opened it, curiously, and saw her name written in black letters upon the first white leaf. "He was a funny little man," she said to herself, thoughtfully.

Which of 'em's got a leg like that? Which of 'em kin unscrew his knee-pan and look at the gum thingamajigs in his calf? Which of 'em kin leave his leg down stairs in the entry on the hat-rack and go to bed with only one cold foot? Why, it's enough to make one of them monarchs sick to think of such a convenience. But they can't help it. There's only one man kin buy that leg, and that's you.

"Oh, she's hipped over those psychic studies of hers, and she's all wrapped up in Spiritualism and occult thingamajigs I don't know what you call 'em." "She seems to me a very sane and practical lady." "In most ways yes; but crazy on the subject of spooks, and mediums and things like that! Oh, Mr. Shane, who do you suppose killed Mr. Embury? How awful!

"Of course it will be a wrench," he added, with a sobered air. "I'll miss 'em all: Frank Ellen Jean. By Gad, I shall miss Jean. However, it need only be for a year or two. Meanwhile by Jingo, there's no doubt about it! this is the chance of my life. Let's see now, what does one need? A revolver with six thingamajigs top-boots and riding breeches a good compass "