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M. de Tessan did not hear the noise arising from the aurora, which he attributes to the circumstance that he was too far distant from the place of the phenomenon; but he reports the observation of a distinguished officer of the French navy, M. Verdier, who, on the night of October 13th, 1819, being in the latitude of Newfoundland, had heard very distinctly a sort of crackling or crepitation, when the vessel he was on board was in the midst of an aurora borealis.

Colonel Fabry stood near by. He strolled over and said to Lieutenant de Tessan: "'Heavens, man, why didn't you tell her that you bit him to death?" The following story is from the Libre Belgique, the anonymous periodical secretly published in Brussels, and which the utmost vigilance of the German authorities has been unable to suppress. Once upon a time Doctor Bethman-Holweg went up to heaven.

Louis entertainment committee, at the M.A.A. breakfast told this anecdote: "In Washington Lieutenant de Tessan was approached by a pretty American girl, who said: "'And did you kill a German soldier? "'Yes, he replied. "'With what hand did you do it? she inquired. "'With this right hand, he said. "And then the pretty American girl seized his right hand and kissed it.

Why, look here it was only a couple of months ago that you wanted to get off because your wife was dead!" "Yas, ay gess so." "And you want to get married again, with your wife only two months dead?" "Yas. Ay ain't ban hold no grudge long." Before introducing Lieutenant de Tessan, aide to General Joffre, and Colonel Fabry, the "Blue Devil of France," Chairman Spencer, of the St.