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Hamilton had seen that, but Hamilton's hand had not had the light touch for the delicacy of the task's beginnings. Her mind flashed back to her girlhood. She was standing at the paddock fence of her grandfather's stock-farm in Kentucky. Even in her childish heart there had been a mighty pride for the old gold and blue that were the colors of her grandfather's stables.

During or just after an April, May or June rain the young plants must be drawn carefully from their beds, distributed in the fields, and each plant set in its hill. Able-bodied, expert hands could set them at the rate of thousands a day; and every nerve must be strained for the task's completion before the ground became dry enough to endanger the seedlings' lives.

A noble task's before us And we'll do it ere we go We'll cut the Arctic circle And take the thing in tow And put it round the Philippines And cool 'em off with snow. Our boys will hail our coming, But a chill will seize the foe. And we'll end the war in triumph Go you homeward fast or slow. Kadiak, July 2, 1899.

But if one has been sold or repaired at any of the shops in the past six months well, Dollops will know that in less than no time. I 'phoned him to make inquiries. His task's an easy one, and I've no doubt he will bring back the word I want in short order. And now, Mr.

The story of his self-appointed task struck me as being as marvellous as the task's result, which stood there in the dim room, perfect in proportion and delicately wrought as ivory carved by Chinese experts. I don't know what the others thought, but the tale as told by the artist's son was for me full of pathos and beautiful sentiment.

MELVIL.. God grant it true! The document is now in the British Museum. Enter HANNAH KENNEDY. Go, madam, and require a cup of wine 'Tis for our lady. MELVIL. Is the queen then sick? KENNEDY. She thinks that she is strong; she is deceived By her heroic courage; she believes She has no need of nourishment; yet still A hard and painful task's allotted her.