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It rests with the progressive Dutch of South Africa. They have the power, but unfortunately they have not as yet the will or they have not the courage to use it. Time after time have they been stultified by rallying to the cry of race and defending Mr. Kruger's attitude on certain points, only to find the President abandoning as untenable the position which they have proclaimed to be proper.

And for the same reason he has lost receptibility to intermediate vibrations in the COLOR spectrum, which has clouded or stultified his visional faculties.

His undaunted persistence, as I learned, received ample illustration some few years prior to my acquaintance with him, when his system being experimental rather than mature a devastating endemic of typhoid in the prison had for the time stultified his efforts.

The rim on his shoulders, his head protruding from the torn eb, frayed ends of broken horse-hair sticking up round his neck, the water trickling down his clothing and dripping from his thin locks, from his big flaring ears, from the end of his long nose, his face rueful and stultified, he presented a sufficiently absurd appearance.

If Jennie's contribution corroborated this article, it was unnecessary; if it contradicted what had been already published, then, of course, it was equally unavailable, for the Argus was a paper that never stultified itself by acknowledging an error.

Haven't you stopped instinctively often when you broke into a sudden laugh with a moldy feeling around your heart as if you'd shouted out in church? Haven't you watched yourself and stultified yourself in every conversation, except when we were alone, to keep from treading on the toes of some inch-wide prejudice?" "I've felt those things, of course all of them." His reply was grave.

I am seeking to find what it could have been that I saw in your eyes, or your face, or your manner, that has so 'stultified' ME. It is an apt word, Dubravnik." "Seek further, and perhaps you will find." "No," she said.

As Ben regarded the dwarf, he felt some reflection of Geraldine's compassion for the forlorn little object in his ragged clothes, and he realized that it was a wonder that the poor, stultified brain had possessed enough initiative to carry out the important part he had played in their lives. While the grocer's clerk was putting up the packages the man himself laid his hand on Pete's shoulder.

In short, to apply in his political life the glorious principles which and the noble maxims that He is only, however, forty-eight hours in office when he becomes quite demoralized, paralyzed and stultified for the rest of his ministerial life.

It is full of extracts from writings of the bourgeois of the time, simple citizens of the small towns. Indeed I assure you that there is now very little of that strength! They were literary and fine, full of good sense, of ideas, and of generosity. Neo-catholicism on the one hand, and Socialism on the other, have stultified France.