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The thought of the immense multitude of men who were incapacitated to receive this Strengthener steals across and casts a momentary shadow upon even the brightness and greatness of His promise.

All power for endurance, for service, is there, and when the Spirit of God teaches a man what God reveals in Christ, He therein and thereby most fully discharges His office of Strengthener.

You'll not bother about your audience." Susan found this thought a potent strengthener then and afterward.

At every forward step and movement, at every going in and out, when we put on our clothes and shoes, when we bathe, when we sit at table, when we light the lamps, on couch, on seat, in all the ordinary actions of daily life, we trace upon the forehead the sign of the cross." Tradition will be held forth to you as the originator of them, custom as their strengthener, and faith as their observer."

Even then she remembers that experience is the greatest teacher and strengthener and that it is best for them to walk life's journey alone.

Notice, too, as bearing on the limits of Paul's part in the gift, the propriety and delicacy of the language in his statement of the ultimate purpose of the gift. He does not say 'that I may strengthen you, which might have sounded too egotistical, and would have assumed too much to himself, but he says 'that ye may be strengthened, for the true strengthener is not Paul, but the Spirit of God.

There is no enlivener of the imagination, no enabler of the judgment, no strengthener of the intellect, to compare with the belief in a live Ideal, at the heart of all personality, as of every law.

Which of us has not his anxiety instantly present when his eyes are opened, to it and to the world, after his night's sleep? Kind strengthener that enables us to face the day's task with renewed heart! Beautiful ordinance of Providence that creates rest as it awards labor. Mr.

And this sweet, strong, all-sufficient Person is offered to each of us, and waits to enter our hearts. And, says Christ, this Strengthener and Advocate is to replace Me and to carry on My work. 'He will send another Comforter. Who was the other but the Master who was speaking?

These were daring words to speak in the Temple to that crowd. But the humble fisherman had been filled with the Spirit, who is the Strengthener, and the fear of man was dead in him. If we had never heard of Pentecost, we should need to invent something of the sort to make intelligible the transformation of these timid folk, the first disciples, into heroes.