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He cried a little and wanted them to telegraph his mother to come, but a big nurse with ribbons in her cap it was Maxwell came out and comforted him and gave him a stick of candy half as large as a barber-pole. By this time you could tell the Faculty a mile off. It was a bright red glow. Every root-digger in the bunch had caught on except Sillcocks.

We played Kiowa and spread them all over the map and not a Faculty member was in town that day. I understand Professor Sillcocks is not yet thoroughly persuaded that his style of football wasn't a success.

That was the kind of a roaring lion Professor Sillcocks was. Well, to get back from behind Robin Hood's barn, Professor Sillcocks had a great hobby. He believed that college boys should indulge in athletics, but that they should do it with their fingers crossed. Those weren't his exact words, but that was what he meant. It was noble to play games, but wicked to want to win.

The learned exponents of revised football looked about as comfortable as a collection of expiring beetles mounted on large steel pins that is, all but Professor Sillcocks. He was beaming with pleasure. I never saw a man so entirely wrapped up in manly sports as he was just then. Evidently the new football suited him right down to the ground.

We always cheered those talks, which pleased him; but he never could understand why we didn't go out afterward and offer ourselves up to some high-school team as victims. It pained him greatly. Naturally Professor Sillcocks participated with great enthusiasm in the work of pruning our line-up, and after the Faculty had thrown up its hands he climbed right in and led a new campaign.

The board of strategy met, of course, but it threw up its hands. It didn't have any first aid to the annihilated in its chest. Besides, Professor Sillcocks hadn't played the game. He had just grabbed the cards. It was about to pass resolutions hailing Sillcocks as the modern Nero, when Rearick began to come down with an idea.