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"In the early days of Shir Jumla Khan it had come about that several rich caravans had fallen exclusively into his hands. With the money thus provided by the bountifulness of Allah, he had been enabled to build for himself a citadel that for vastness and security surpassed those of all his rivals among the tribal chiefs.

"There's five thirteens for you, and I wish to God, my good fellow, that you would allow yourself to be put in better feathers." "Oh, I expect my pinance will be out before a mont', shir; but, until den, I couldn't take any money." "Malcomson," said he to the gardener, "I think that fellow's a half fool. I offered him a crown, and also said.

"Shir Rowland Trenchard's affair eh?" "That's it," rejoined Jonathan; "I expect him here every minute. When you've admitted him, steal into the room, hide yourself, and don't move till I utter the words, 'You've a long journey before you. That's your signal." "And a famoush goot shignal it ish," laughed Abraham. "He hash a long journey before him ha! ha!" "Peace!" cried Jonathan.

The end of that day, nevertheless, found our sight-seer smoking cigarettes in Shir Ali Khan's garden at Dizful and listening to the camel bells that jingled from the direction of certain tall black pointed arches straddling the dark river.

Gawds teruth, Chawley. We are nae fou. We're nae tha fou. Au reservoir, mossoo. Tanks you. 'Tis, sure. What say? In the speakeasy. Tight. I shee you, shir. Bantam, two days teetee. Bowsing nowt but claretwine. Garn! Have a glint, do. Gum, I'm jiggered. And been to barber he have. Too full for words. With a railway bloke. How come you so? Opera he'd like? Rose of Castile. Rows of cast. Police!

Have ready, carefully boiled, two sets of calves' brains; cut them into slices; put two or three slices between the eggs, and then pour over browned butter sauce. To each half dozen eggs allow three lambs' kidneys. Broil the kidneys. Shir the eggs as directed in the first recipe. When done, put half a kidney on each side of the plate and pour over sauce Perigueux.