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An' poor Sally sheddin' something scand'lous! Look here, Smoke, if you want to go in for high livin' you go an' buy your own eggs. Beans an' bacon's good enough for me." "I am going to buy, but I want you to help me to buy. Now, shut up, Shorty. I've got the floor. You go right straight to Slavovitch's. Pay as high as three dollars, but buy all he's got." "Three dollars!" Shorty groaned.

What you doin' to that there Chink? He's cussin' scand'lous. Casey been up to some of his devilment?" "Come in and join us, Tom," said Casey. "Feng had a run-in with Fluff. Result, one bottle of claret and two glasses gone to glory." "Also one Chink on the warpath," McHale added. "If I was in the insurance business I wouldn't write no policy on that there hen.

'I thought he was a good, broad, lib'ral man, an' it turns out he's a cheap skate, he says. 'We made too much fuss over him, he says. 'To think, he says, 'iv him takin' th' house we give him an' tur-rnin' it over to his wife, he says. ''Tis scand'lous, he says.

I have heard a few items about him if you all haven't. Folks talk about 'im scand'lous in Atlanta. They say he leads a fast life down there. You'd better keep Dolly away from 'im. He won't do. He has robbed good men an' women of their money in his shady deals, an' folks tell all sorts o' tales about 'im." "Thar you go ag'in," Tom Drake broke in, with a hearty laugh.

'Tis a horrible situation. Riley th' conthractor dhropped in here th' other day in his horse an' buggy on his way to the dhrainage canal an' he was all wurruked up over th' question. 'Why, he says, ''tis scand'lous th' way servants act, he says. 'Mrs. Riley has hystrics, he says.