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Carse, at the controls, rapped out another order. "Defensive web on, Ban, and build up power for the ray batteries." As the echoes of the bell died, a piercing whine grew amidships, and shreds of blue light swiftly scattered by the Sandra's ports. They were quickly gone, but they left behind an almost invisible envelope of blue which enwrapped the ship completely.

Sandra's retreat was a sad omen, and soon the family dissensions, long with difficulty suppressed, sprang forth to open view; the storm that had been threatening from afar broke suddenly over the town, and the thunderbolt was shortly to follow.

A cone of brilliant orange flamed and washed around the Sandra's bow, and a storm of soundless sparks engulfed her. She was caught in a maw of fire, and held there for the remaining terrific seconds of her wild forward dash.

The largest of the Sandra's cabins was transformed under the direction of Leithgow into a hospital bay, and the five cots bearing the prostrate, unconscious bodies of the patients put there. Though hastily improvised, this hospital was complete, as fully equipped and nearly as efficient as if it were on Earth and not in the belly of a space-ship.

"Yet there never was a time when great men are more needed," he was in the habit of saying to himself, with a sigh. Here he was picking his teeth in an inn at Olympia. He had done. But Sandra's eyes wandered. "Those pink melons are sure to be dangerous," he said gloomily. And as he spoke the door opened and in came a young man in a grey check suit.

Then he brought home a new violin, and he said to me, 'I shall go; I shall play; I am Orphee, and dinners shall rise! I was glad, and kissed him; and he said, 'This is Sandra's gift to me, showing the violin. I only knew what that meant two days afterwards. Is a girl not seventeen fit to be married?"

Then he brought home a new violin, and he said to me, 'I shall go; I shall play; I am Orphee, and dinners shall rise! I was glad, and kissed him; and he said, 'This is Sandra's gift to me, showing the violin. I only knew what that meant two days afterwards. Is a girl not seventeen fit to be married?"

Sandra's retreat was a sad omen, and soon the family dissensions, long with difficulty suppressed, sprang forth to open view; the storm that had been threatening from afar broke suddenly over the town, and the thunderbolt was shortly to follow.