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Now, I'll lay a wager that there is in this book, wrote as all the world knows, by a rele lady, and speakin of kings and queens as if they were as common as sand-boys there is in this book more wulgarity than ever I displayed, more nastiness than ever I would dare TO THINK ON, and more bad grammar than ever I wrote since I was a boy at school.

"It makes me feel as if I were a real missing princess, Captain Frewen." "So you were until to-night. Well, from the New Hebrides we went north to the Solomons, where we were singularly fortunate in getting five hundred natives in a few weeks without any trouble. I landed them at Samatau without losing a single man, and they are now working on the new plantation as happy as sand-boys.

"Ah!" said Tom, "if dear Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby knew of it she would send them a lot of tops, and balls, and marbles, and ninepins, and make them all as jolly as sand-boys." "It would be no use," said the stick. "They can't play now, if they tried.

You see, I can't help feeling as jolly as a sand-boy." "I don't know that sand-boys have anything much to be jolly about, Punch," said Pen, brightening up. "More do I but it's what people say," said Punch; "only, I do feel jolly.

"Ah!" said Tom, "if Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby knew of it she would send them a lot of tops, and balls, and marbles, and nine-pins, and make them all as jolly as sand-boys." "It would be no use," said the stick. "They can't play now, if they tried.

After serving under Lord John Hay for six or seven months, I was appointed to another ship, which was ordered to my old station, South America. The captain of my new ship was in every sense a gentleman, and although a strict disciplinarian, was just and kind-hearted. From the captain downwards every officer was the same in thought and deed, so we were all as happy as sand-boys.

However, they were hauled out and made to run about, and taken into a cottage, and rubbed down, and dressed up in borrowed clothes; and with a good jorum of brandy-and-water apiece, why, in half an hour they were as right as trivets, if you'll believe me! The cold collation was a great success; and then the old boys had a smoke, and were all as jolly as sand-boys.