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While these beautiful transitions were still before the eyes of the youthful admirers of their beauties, a voice was heard above them, crying as if from the heavens: "Sail-ho! The frigate lies broad off to the seaward, sir!" "Ay, ay; you have been watching with one eye asleep, fellow," returned Griffith, "or we should have heard you before!

The only slight hope we nursed had been one cry of "Sail-ho!" from the mate, but he could not tell what kind of a craft had rested on his lens, because she was almost at once swallowed by the distant bank of mist.

Just at that instant, some one cried out "Sail-ho!" and sure enough, a ship was seen some four or five miles to leeward, a whaler evidently, turning to windward, under easy canvass, in order to rejoin her boat, from which she had lately been separated by the night and the fog.

The chance of our having sailed so far, however, on a line so nearly resembling that of the chase as to bring us together, was so very small, that few of us thought it worth our consideration. On the morning of the eleventh day, the look-out we had kept on the fore-top-sail-yard, sang out "Sail-ho!" Marble and myself were soon on the yard, there being nothing visible from the deck.

"Sail-ho!" came the far off voice of the mate from his perch aloft. We held our breaths, intently listening. "Where away?" Gates called, and I could picture him: legs apart, head thrown back, hands cupped around his lips. "Dead ahead, sir," came the answer: "I got a better look at her this time, and she's a schooner yacht like us!"