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When the calf sprang up it was filled with terror, rage and pain, and charged at Billy from the rear as that pessimistic soul was leaning over and poking his finger at a somber horned-toad. "Wow!" he yelled as his feet took huge steps up in the air, each one strictly on its own course. "Woof!" he grunted in the hot sand as he arose on his hands and knees and spat alkali. "What's s'matter?"

The first clerk in the telegraph booth in the Baltimore Station whistled through his buck teeth at the second clerk: "S'matter?" "See that girl no, the pretty one with the big black dots on her veil. Too late she's gone. You missed somep'n." "What about her?" "Nothing. 'Cept she's damn good-looking. Came in here yesterday and sent a wire to some guy to meet her somewhere.

"Would you mind not sitting on my bed?" he suggested politely to two of Gilly's particulars who were perched very much at ease. "Huh?" "My bed. Can't you understand English?" This was adding insult to injury. There were several comments on the bed's sanitary condition and the evidence within it of animal life. "S'matter with your old bed?" demanded Gilly truculently. "The bed's all right, but "

There's big money in 'em.... Guess if it keeps on warm like this we can plant the garden next week.... That was swell cake Ma had for supper.... What's that in the road! What's! Jammed down the foot-brake. Jerked back the emergency. A girl standing in the road. A dark mass in the ditch by the road-side. He was out of his car. He recognized her as the Weld girl. "'S'matter?" "In the ditch.