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They might tear her in pieces before she would leave her room! "I ought to have had my suspicions," she resumed. "It's that cat of a Rose who's got the plot up! I'm certain Rose'll have stopped that respectable woman coming whom I was expecting tonight." She referred to Mme Robert. Vandeuvres gave her his word of honor that Mme Robert had given a spontaneous refusal.

Grandfather cut some limbs off a beech tree and drove 'em into the ground all around it to keep it from bein' tramped down, and when that was done, grandmother says: 'Now build the house so's this rose'll stand on the right-hand side o' the front walk. Maybe I won't die of homesickness if I can set on my front door-step and see one flower from my old Virginia gyarden.

"They are as fond of each other as they can be," said Mrs. Quince, "though I don't suppose Farmer Rose'll care for it; not but what our Ned's as good as he is." "Is Ned up there now?" demanded the shoemaker, turning pale, as the mirthful face of Mr. Garnham suddenly occurred to him. "Sure to be," tittered his wife.

"They are as fond of each other as they can be," said Mrs. Quince, "though I don't suppose Farmer Rose'll care for it; not but what our Ned's as good as he is." "Is Ned up there now?" demanded the shoemaker, turning pale, as the mirthful face of Mr. Garnham suddenly occurred to him. "Sure to be," tittered his wife.

"I'll show you, huzzy!" and the old maid flounced from the room. "I'd like to see the likes of her turning me off," muttered the maid. "I don't think Miss Rose'll pay any attention to that vinegar-cruet." And in this opinion the maid was not far wrong. Rose did not permit her cousin to interfere in the least with the internal relations of the household.