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The regiments, too, deny to march for Flanders Have sent me in a paper of remonstrance, And openly resist the imperial orders. The first step to revolt's already taken. ILLO. Believe me, thou wilt find it far more easy To lead them over to the enemy Than to the Spaniard. WALLENSTEIN. I will hear, however, What the Swede has to say to me. Go, call him, He stands without the door in waiting.

"Just got a call from Jaikark's palace a revolt's broken out, presumably headed by Gurgurk; Household Guards either mutinied or wiped out by the mutineers, all but those twenty Kragan Rifles we loaned Jaikark. They, and about a dozen of Jaikark's courtiers and their personal retainers, are holding the approaches to the King's apartments.

He too felt that 'things were wrong somehow, and had a pleasure in joining the side of revolt for revolt's sake. Now in the same house with them dwelt a young woman of about nineteen years old; she occupied a garret, was seldom seen about, and had every appearance of being a simple, laborious girl, of the kind familiar enough as the silent victims of industrialism.

But lots of young women are like that now-a-days." Douglas looked at her curiously. Some phrase of Peter's, half forgotten, came back to him. "Revolt," he muttered. "Revolt, that's it." The woman nodded. "Yes, revolt's the word." Elijah shook Doug's shoulder. "How many horses have you?" "Two." "I'll feed 'em. Go sit down to that table and let my wife fix you up."

I marched against the Hôtel de Ville on the 31st of October and on the 22d of January. I liked revolt for revolt's sake. An insurgent I told you in the beginning I am an insurgent. I cannot hear a discussion without taking part, nor see a riot without running to it, nor a barricade without bringing my paving-stone. It's in the blood.