United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There is probably nothing more rest-giving than the marine view, and next come the pretty pastoral and cool woodland scenes, while madonnas and other pictures of religious significance express their own worth just a few choice, well-selected photographs, etchings, and engravings of agreeable subjects, with a painting or two; that's all we want.

As there was no soothing, rest-giving darkness that night, but instead there was a hazy, cheerless, unnatural light, so even was there no rest-giving darkness ignorance for Nekhludoff's soul. Everything was clear.

The best interests of our modern civilization require that the Sabbath be kept as a quiet, rest-giving day. *Disturbed Circulation of the Brain.*—Nervousness not infrequently is accompanied by an increase in the circulation of the brain and disappears when this condition is relieved.

Now these are provided. One may leave his office in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago or Kansas City, and in a Pullman car ride direct to the Canyon, where a few steps will lead him into one of the most perfectly equipped, yet homelike hotels in America. And there, without effort or fatigue, he comes face to face with this rest-giving, strength-producing Canyon.

Even her husband himself felt her strengthening, rest-giving power, and for this reason he bore down on her with the burden of all his tremors and his cares; for while he disputed, he yet believed her, and rested upon her with an utter helpless trust, as the good angel of his house.