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But he doubted whether the change from that to the oft-repeated hospitalities of Mrs. Burton might not be too much for hire. Scarness's four shillings'-worth of butcher's meat had already made him half sick of his new profession, and though Stratton might be the "reasonablest place anywhere for a young man," he could not look forward to living there for a year with much delight.

Next day, at dinner, the King said, "He is the reasonablest man of all the German Literary People, C'EST LE PLUS RAISONNABLE DE TOUS LES SAVANS ALLEMANDS." And to Garve, at Breslau, years afterwards: "Gellert is the only German that will reach posterity; his department is small, but he has worked in it with real felicity."

I've always thought Stratton one of the reasonablest places anywhere for a young man to do for himself in." "I don't know, my dear," said the husband, "that Mr: Clavering will care very much for that." "Perhaps not, Mr. B.; but I do like to see young men careful about their spendings.

I've thought it all over and made the reasonablest plan I know how to. I'm going to begin to-morrow to-morrow is Tuesday, my father's day." It was cold in the company-room, and any moment Marie might come and take her away. She was always a little pressed for time. "I must be going," she said, "or Marie will come. Good-bye. Give my love to the baby."