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Sometimes, the whole waistcoat, which came down almost to the knees, was made of gold brocade." "Why, the wearer must have shone like a golden image!" said Clara. "And, then," continued Grandfather, "they wore various sorts of periwigs, such as the Tie, the Spencer, the Brigadier, the Major, the Albemarle, the Ramilies, the Feather-top, and the Full-bottom!

For his part, he did not wish to see any such craft, with the miserable crew they had in the Goliah. We found the Ramilies, Sir Thomas Hardy, lying in Bermuda roads. This ship sent a boat, which took us on board the Ardent, 64, which was then used as a prison-ship.

Where was the long wig with its myriad curls? the coat stiff with golden lace? the diamond buttons, "the pomp, pride, and circumstance of glorious war?" the glorious war Beau Fielding had carried on throughout the female world, finding in every saloon a Blenheim, in every play-house a Ramilies?

In battle we fought side by side, without being jealous of each other's fame. In our first battle, that of Ramilies, the Scots had more than their share of the loss, and I had the misfortune to be shot in the leg early in the action.

As this was a bold fellow, frequently coming within gun-shot, and sporting his sticks and canvass in all sorts of ways, Sir Thomas Hardy felt afraid he would get one of the four transports, and he took all us prisoners into the Ramilies. We staid in the ship the rest of the passage, and when we went into Halifax it was all alone, the four transports having disappeared.

It seems to me," continued the witty Count, in a lower whisper, "as if the old king, having fairly buried his glory at Ramilies and Blenheim, had summoned all these good gentry to sing psalms over it! But are you waiting for a private audience?" "Yes, under the auspices of the Bishop of Frejus."

Where was the long wig with its myriad curls? the coat stiff with golden lace? the diamond buttons, "the pomp, pride, and circumstance of glorious war?" the glorious war Beau Fielding had carried on throughout the female world, finding in every saloon a Blenheim, in every play-house a Ramilies?