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"I will not argue wid you," sez I, "this day, but subsequently, Mister Dearsley, me rafflin' jool, we talk ut out lengthways. 'Tis no good policy to swindle the naygur av his hard-earned emolumints, an' by presint informashin'" 'twas the kyart man that tould me "ye've been perpethrating that same for nine months.

'I will not argue wid you, sez I, 'this day, but subsequintly, Mister Dearsley, me rafflin' jool, we talk ut out lengthways. 'Tis no good policy to swindle the naygur av his hard-earned emolumints, an' by presint informa-shin' 'twas the kyart man that tould me 'ye've been perpethrating that same for nine months.

"Nothin'," sez I, "but a great dale to you, for begad I'm thinkin' you get the full half av your revenue from that sedan-chair. Is ut always raffled so?" I sez, an' wid that I wint to a coolie to ask questions. Bhoys, that man's name is Dearsley, an' he's been rafflin' that ould sedan-chair monthly this matther av nine months.

'Nothin', sez I, 'but a great dale to you, for begad I'm thinkin' you get the full half av your revenue from that sedan-chair. Is ut always raffled so? I sez, an' wid that I wint to a coolie to ask questions. Bhoys, that man's name is Dearsley, an' he's been rafflin' that ould sedan-chair monthly this matther av nine months.

That Dearsley has been makin' the rowlin' wealth av Roshus by nefarious rafflin'. Think av the burnin' shame to the sufferin' coolie-man that the army in Injia are bound to protect an' nourish in their bosoms! Two thousand coolies defrauded wanst a month! 'Dom t' coolies. Has't gotten t' cheer, man? said Learoyd. 'Hould on.

"Standin'-room an' no more," sez I, "onless it may be fwhat ye niver had, an' that's manners, ye rafflin' ruffian," for I was not goin' to have the Service throd upon. "Out of this," sez he. "I'm in charge av this section av construction." "I'm in charge av mesilf," sez I, "an' it's like I will stay a while. D'ye raffle much in these parts?" "Fwhat's that to you?" sez he.

'Standin'-room an' no more, sez I, 'onless it may be fwhat ye niver had, an' that's manners, ye rafflin' ruffian, for I was not goin' to have the Service throd upon. 'Out of this, sez he. 'I'm in charge av this section av construction. 'I'm in charge av mesilf, sez I, 'an' it's like I will stay a while. D'ye raffle much in these parts? 'Fwhat's that to you? sez he.

In a raffle there's nobody pays more'n their quarter, or maybe a dollar or two " "And that's it. Look at the power o' money we're gettin', Mrs. O'Brien dear! We'd niver 'a' got nigh on to four hundred dollars for a gold watch rafflin'; and well you know it!" "Maybe," agreed Mrs.

That Dearsley has been makin' the rowlin' wealth av Roshus by nefarious rafflin'. Think av the burnin' shame to the sufferin' coolie-man that the army in Injia are bound to protect an' nourish in their bosoms! Two thousand coolies defrauded wanst a month!" "Dom t' coolies. Has't gotten t' cheer, man?" said Learoyd. "Hould on.