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"How would you like to go there?" "What! alone?" asked Cato, the old look of terror coming back to his countenance. "Certainly you have been there and back you said, didn't you?" "Yes, but bress your soul! de Injines wan't about den." "I guess there were as many as there are this minute." "Oh! gracious! I don't want to go alone. What made ye ax me dat queshun?" "Why, I thought this, Cato.

"Aw, boss," replied Roddy with something like reproach, "you knows 'tain' no queshun uv a hinge arftuh midnight. Arftuh midnight, boss, de screws drap right outen' de hinge, an' dar ain' no mo' hinge. You jes' natchelly keeps your haid down an' don' lif' it no mo'. Naw, suh, dar ain' no hinge to he'p you dat late, onless onless somebody hit you or stab you." Braceway became stern.

She managed, however, to keep a straight face, and replied: "Well, this time I will allow it to pass; but never let me hear of such conduct again, or I will not be so lenient." "Thank you, missus; and may I ask you a queshun?" "Yes."

I am, an' didn't know but what you might be same way. You may've noticed 't I'm jush trifle er, well, some people ud shay zhrunk, Toffski rude 'n' dish'gree'ble people dshay zhrunk. P'raps zere 'bout half right, Woffski, but it's zhrude way of putting it. Now, zhen, I want t'ask you queshun.