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Initial text entry and proof-reading of this chapter were the work of volunteer Terri Perkins.

He ran his eye over the page, more from force of habit than because he expected to find any more corrections necessary; and suddenly Toni, watching, saw him frown. "I say, Toni, you've made a mistake." He tried not to speak sharply, for after all proof-reading is an art.

In fact, the proof-reading of the 'Atlantic Monthly' was something almost fearfully scrupulous and perfect.

Little crudities of a mechanical sort were observable here and there, but there were not enough of them to amount to anything, and it was good enough Arkansas proof-reading, anyhow, and better than was needed in Arthur's day and realm. As a rule, the grammar was leaky and the construction more or less lame; but I did not much mind these things.

We spent a month or two at Bath, and found it very pleasant; my father rested from his labors, except the proof-reading; and I was instructed in the use of the broadsword by an old Peninsular officer, Major Johnstone, who had fought at Waterloo, and had the bearing of such majors as Thackeray puts into Vanity Fair.

Little crudities of a mechanical sort were observable here and there, but there were not enough of them to amount to anything, and it was good enough Arkansas proof-reading, anyhow, and better than was needed in Arthur's day and realm. As a rule, the grammar was leaky and the construction more or less lame; but I did not much mind these things.

It would come with more force from you." Hal whirled in his chair. "Mac, what's the matter with you?" "Nothing. I was just thinking of 'Kitty the Cutie." "What were you thinking of her?" "Only that Max Veltman would have gone through hell-fire for her. And, from his looks, he's been through and had the heart burned out of him." With that he resumed his proof-reading in a dogged silence.

Louis, showed nothing more clearly than that it is impossible to divide any of these departments from the political life of the modern city which is constantly forced to enlarge the boundary of its activity. Initial text entry and proof-reading of this chapter were the work of volunteer Margaret Sylvia.

These indomitable souls are but three out of many whom I might instance to prove that those who are handicapped in the race for life's goods, sometimes play a magnificent trick upon the jade, life herself, by ceasing to know whether or not they possess any of her tawdry goods and chattels. Initial text entry and proof-reading of this chapter were the work of volunteer Flo Carrierre.