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LETRONNE. A magnificent bay or inflexion in the coast-line of the Oceanus Procellarum, N.N.E. of Gassendi, presenting an opening towards the N. of nearly 50 miles, and bounded on the S. and S.W. by the lofty Gassendi highlands. Its border on the W., about 3000 feet high, is crowned with innumerable small depressions.

South of Oceanus Procellarum and separated from Mare Nubium by a goodly number of ring mountains, lies the little basin of Mare Humorum, the Sea of Humors, containing only about 66 thousand square miles, its central point having a latitude of 25° south and a longitude of 40° east.

The Riphaean Mountains, a remarkably bright group, occupying an isolated position in the Mare Procellarum south of Landsberg, and extending for more than 100 miles in a meridional direction.

Both these objects are incomplete on the N., as if they had been deformed by a "fault," which has apparently affected the N. end of Kepler also. Kepler is the centre of one of the most extended systems of bright streaks on the moon's visible surface. BESSARION. A bright little ring-plain, about 6 miles in diameter, in the Oceanus Procellarum N. of Kepler.

On the W. of Billy and Hansteen is a wide inlet of the Oceanus Procellarum, bounded by the Letronne region on the W., and on the S. by lofty highlands. On the surface, not far from the S.W. border of Hansteen, is a curious triangular-shaped mountain mass, with a digitated outline on the S., and including a small bright crater on its area.

Right ahead of them rose Lambert about a mile in height; and further on, more to the left, in the direction of Oceanus Procellarum, Euler revealed itself by its glittering radiations. This mountain, of about the same height as Lambert, had been the object of very interesting calculations on the part of Schroeter of Erfurt.

Tobias Mayer and the neighbouring Carpathians form an especially beautiful telescopic picture at sunrise. KUNOWSKY. An inconspicuous ring-plain, about 11 miles in diameter, standing in a barren region in the Mare Procellarum, W.S.W. of Encke. The central mountain is tolerably distinct.

To Barbicane and Nicholl the "Sea of Clouds" was an immense depression of ground, with circular mountains scattered about on it; covering a great part of the western side of the southern hemisphere, it covered 184,800 square leagues, and its centre was in south latitude 15°, and west longitude 20°. The Ocean of Tempests, Oceanus Procellarum, the largest plain on the lunar disc, covered a surface of 328,300 square leagues, its centre being in north latitude 10°, and east longitude 45°. From its bosom emerge the admirable shining mountains of Kepler and Aristarchus.

By far the largest is the vast Oceanus Procellarum, extending from a high northern latitude to beyond latitude 10 deg. in the south-eastern quadrant, and, according to Schmidt, with its bays and inflections, occupying an area of nearly two million square miles, or more than that of all the remaining Maria put together.

HEVEL. A great walled-plain, 71 miles in diameter, adjoining Lohrmann on the N., with a broad western rampart, rising at one peak to a height above the interior of nearly 6000 feet, and presenting a steep bright face to the Oceanus Procellarum. There are three prominent craters near its crest, and one or two breaks in its continuity.

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